Users list
The menu Users List
displays the list of all users who have access to the Logmanager system.

Users list
Basic information about users:
- Login: Login name.
- Name: Full name of the user.
- System Group: To what group permissions a user belongs.
- Database Group: To which data the user has access.
After clicking the plus icon, a form appears where you can create a new user. Enter the following information:
- Login Name: The name with which the user logs on to the system.
- User Name: Full name of the user.
- System Group: What parts of the application, the user should have access, user groups are described in chapter System Groups.
- Database Group: To which data (logs) the user should have access, database groups are described in chapter Database Groups.
- Password: User password.
- Repeat password: The password must match the previous password.
- Language: Application language after first login.

Adding new user
To edit a user, click the blue pencil icon for the selected user.

Editing user
To delete a user, click the cross icon for the selected user.

Deleting user
This starts a dialog box, where you confirm or cancel the deletion.