The Logmanager system needs to its correct function properly configured DNS server. Address translation is used in all areas of the system, moreover if the DNS server is not set, translation of host names function will not be working.

In this part of the menu we come directly to the form of setting the DNS servers.
To set the DNS server address, insert into the address field IP address of the master DNS server, which will be able to respond to the Logmanager requests.
By clicking on the Add button you will add the IP address and that will be moved to the lower field address.
If you want to add another IP address, we will repeat the process.
If you want to remove IP address of a DNS server, select a row with the address by clicking on it and delete the row by clicking a Delete button.

Remove IP address of a DNS server
Translation of IP addresses to domain names is used when processing incoming messages. If there is no record for IP address in local cache, it is automatically resent to a set DNS server. It is recommended to turn off logging of DNS requests (on DNS server, on firewall) sent by Logmanager server.
To enable/disable DNS PTR resolving hostnames logged to Logmanager switch the button Resolve hostnames
You can also choose from select list Resolve limit for which IP addresses you want to translate PTR records.
Logmanager creates DNS PTR resolving only for IP addresses that are specified in the selected list. By default IP prefix list which contains all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is selected.

Resolve hostnames