IP get information of
Block is used to obtain expanded information about the IP address. Block containing data type IP address is connected to the input.
Block required ip typed value as an input on right side. This value is required.
In case provided value is not IP address type block returns None. Otherwise returns value contained in provided variable.
XML representation of ip_subscript block:
<xml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<block type="ip_subscript">
<field name="INFO">PTR</field>
<value name="IP">
<block type="ip">
<field name="IP"></field>

Block “IP subscript”
Output from the block is text string with selected information about IP address.
Block is used on the “set ip_city to” row in example:
- Value of the key “ip” is obtained from the “item” dictionary,
- Value is converted to the IP address data type and transmits to the “get information of” block,
- String “Mountain View” is the result.

Example of “IP subscrip” block
"user": "administrator",
"ip" : ""

Results of “IP subscript” block