Logmanager documentation
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Log4j is used to retrieve logs from Java applications. Logs from Log4j can be sent to the Logmanager server via Syslog protocol.

Log4j version 1

  1. You need to find the configuration file for Log4j in the Java application. Most often is saved as logging.properties file or log4j.properties file.

  2. Edit configuration file:

    rootLogger = DEBUG, udp
    appender.udp = org.apache.log4j.receivers.net.UDPAppender
    appender.udp.RemoteHost = <Logmanager_IP_address>
    appender.udp.port = 514
    appender.udp.layout.type = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
    appender.udp.layout.ConversionPattern = java %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}{GMT} %p %t %c %M - %m%n
    Logmanager_IP_address is IP address your Logmanager server.
  3. Restart Java application to load new configuration file.

  4. Now continue to configure classifiers and parser on the Logmanager server.

Log4j version 2

  1. You need to find the configuration file for Log4j2 in the Java application. Most often is saved as logging.properties file or log4j2.properties file.

  2. Edit configuration file:

    appender.socket.type = Socket
    appender.socket.name = socket
    appender.socket.host = <Logmanager_IP_adresa>
    appender.socket.port = 514
    appender.socket.protocol = UDP
    appender.socket.layout.type = PatternLayout
    appender.socket.layout.pattern = ${hostName} java %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}{GMT} %p %t %c %M - %m%n
    rootLogger.level = debug
    rootLogger.appenderRef.socket.ref = socket
    Logmanager_IP_address is IP address your Logmanager server.
  3. Restart Java application to load new configuration file.

  4. Now continue to configure classifiers and parser on the Logmanager server.