System Groups
In System Groups you can define where users have allowed access within the application. Each user must be included in any group.

System Groups
Here you can create a group that will allow all access for read-write (thus delete). Or you can create a group that will allow access for read-write only to specific parts of the application. Other groups may be read-only, or no access. You can also use the full restrictions when the user does not have any access in application (for example, if it is in the group from the LDAP server, the user who does not have access)
As a rule, a user can be assigned to one system group.
Overview of System Groups displays basic information:
- Group Name: Name of the system group.
- Description: Description of the system group.
- Permissions: Type of used permissions
The group “Admin”, you cannot edit or delete it, all the other groups you can add, edit, or delete.
After clicking on the plus icon it displays a form where you can create a new system group.

Creating new system group
Enter the basic information:
- Group Name: Short name of the system group.
- Description: Short description of the system group.
In the next part of the form you enter a range of permissions on individual parts of the application. Each line contains one part of the application, where you can set the permission - no access, read only or full access.
To save the configuration click on the Create button or Cancel for leaving the form without any changes.
To edit a system group, click on the blue pencil icon for the selected group.

Editing system group
When editing you can change all fields as in the case of creating a new group, except the Group Name.
Save the data is carried out by clicking on the button Save. Click Cancel for leaving the form without saving.
If you set the permissions for the user for the Searching category to “Read Only”, he will only be able to browse open indexes. This restriction is set so that a user with the given permission does not overload the Logmanager server with unwanted queries. If you still want to allow him to open older indexes, set the permission to “Read/Write”.
To delete a system group, click on the cross icon for the selected group.

Deleting system group
This starts a dialog box, where you confirm or cancel the deletion.
If the group contains a user, you receive the error message that the group is assigned to some users.
In this case, one must first make removal of a group for users who use it and then you can delete the group.