Database status
This page shows overall condition of Logmanager database. Here you will find information regarding:
- Database (Elasticsearch engine) status.
- Data indices state.
This part provides detailed information regarding state of Elasticsearch engine.

Search engine
- Available space- How much disk space is currently available for writing.
- Data nodes - Amount of Logmanager nodes working together.
- Replication ratio - This number displays state of database replication if in cluster mode. It is in range from 0 to 1 (0 - no replicas, 1 - one replica of data). Normal state for cluster is 1, after reboot or new cluster connection it's usually in format of 0,74545. Note this number is displaying only status about opened indexes (database does not know status of closed indexes, as they are closed).
- Status:
- Red: Red status occurs at the moment when the database is in the service mode and performs maintenance tasks or data integrity checks. This status occurs when the Logmanager system restarts or after the update. Service mode can take several hours depending on the amount of data stored. Messages that arrive to Logmanager at the time of the red state are saved in the internal memory and will be available after the completion of the service mode.
- Yellow: Yellow status of the database occurs if the Logmanager is not running in the cluster mode. The database does not have a replica of the stored data, because there is no other server, which could create a replica. In standalone Logmanager server deployment, the yellow status is normal operational state.
- The red and yellow states may also occur for a few hours even when the old indexes are opened.
- Green: This is the normal state of the database, if the Logmanager is running in the cluster mode.
- total nodes - Amount of nodes in a cluster.
- total space - Total disk space connected to the database.
If the red status does not change even after a few hours, please contact technical support.
This part provides detailed information regarding state of each Indice available in the system.
Logs in Logmanager system are grouped in the database using so called Indices. Each Indice (index) contains logs collected from 00:00 to 23:59 each day since starting the system.
Here you can see available indices, their state, size, memory usage and action buttons (open/close, backup) for each.

Each Indice is described using following parameters:
- Name: Indice name. Date visible in the name refers to exact day for which given Indice contains logs.
- State: Indice can be either Opened or Closed.
- Index size: Total size of the Indice. This information can provide a good overview of how much data you are collecting daily.
- Memory usage: How much space Indice occupies in operation memory (RAM) if it is opened.
- Opened by groups: Which user groups requested an Indice to be opened (user/system).
- Opened by users: List of users which requested an Indice to open.
- Out of memory: Default status is false. In case of insufficient operation memory (RAM), it will temporarily appear as true at the time new index is open.
- Actions: you can manually open or close Indices using these buttons.
Closing index: You can close the Indice only if there is no group or user who is currently using it. For example: If the Demo user opens the Indice, the “Opened by groups” will show “users” and “Opened by users” will show “Demo”. The only user who can now close the index is the Demo user.
Automatic Index Closing. If the user forgets to close the Indice, it will remain open for 4 hours and then close automatically.
Indices must be loaded to RAM (Opened) to be able to search through them. Logmanager does this automatically depending on selected search period in dashboard. Several newest Indices are always Opened (Usually 6, but this number can change).
Manual Index Closing. You can close the Indice only if there is no group or user who is currently using it. For example: If the Demo user opens the Indice, the “Opened by groups” will show “users” and “Opened by users” will show “Demo”. The only user who can now close the index is the Demo user.
Users who have System Administrator privileges will see the Backup button next to Actions.
When a button is pressed, a process is performed in the background to back up the selected Indice to a remote SMB server. It is required that the SMB server is configured – otherwise this button will have no effect.
Please note that backup has limits on concurrent running task. Database backup temporary queues user export requests from dashboards. For more please see Data export.
Data backup takes a long time, so it’s not recommended to run a backup on all Indices at the same time.