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Text join

“Text join” block merges connected text string values to one text string value on the output. To adjust the number of connected input strings, click on the block “options” icon.

Block XML representation

XML representation of text_join block:

<xml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <block type="text_join">
    <mutation items="2"/>
    <value name="ADD0">
      <block type="text">
        <field name="TEXT">input1</field>
    <value name="ADD1">
      <block type="text">
        <field name="TEXT">input2</field>

Example of visual representation

Block "Text join"

Block “Text join”

Example of block usage

Example of "Text join" block

Example of “Text join” block

This block is used twice in the example:

  • “set join_text to” row: merges “ip” value and “address” value to one string “ipaddress” value and the value is saved into the “join_text” variable.
  • “set join_item to” row: merges “user” key values, spaces and “ip” keys of “item” dictionary. Output of the block is value “administrator”. This value is saved into the “join_item” variable.

Processing result

Results of "Text join" block

Results of “Text join” block