Lookup table search
This block is used for adding information that the message contains. Lookup table is defined by select list inside of block. Looked up value is defined as an input on the right side of block.
Block returns found value for provided lookup key in defined table. In case value is not found returns None.
Tables are defined in the lookup tables section.
XML representation of function_lookup_search block
<xml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<block type="function_lookup_search">
<field name="TABLE">d118e8f7-fd49-46af-a004-21142d8d42df</field>
<value name="TEXT">
<block type="text">
<field name="TEXT">value</field>

Block “Lookup table search”

Example of the “Lookup table search” block
Block is used on the “set protocol_number to” row in the example:
- Value 6 is searched in the table “internet protocols”. Result of the block is TCP value, which is saved in to the “protocol_number” variable.
- Table “internet protocols” contains list of protocol numbers and their text representation.

Result of the “Lookup table search” block