Logmanager has also active module to send e-mail messages. For correct function of this module is needed to correctly set the SMTP server, through which will be the e-mails sent.

By clicking on a SMTP in menu we go directly to the setting of the SMTP form. We have to fill all available fields:
- Relay address: address of the SMTP server, through which the e-mails should be sent.
- Relay port: insert port, through which should SMTP server communicate (typically 25).
- Source email address: which email address will be shown as a sender.
- Admin email: email of the administrator (you can add multiple email addresses, use space between each email).
By clicking on the Test button we test a SMTP setting. By clicking on the Apply button we activate the SMTP setting. By clicking on Reset button, the inserted information will not be saved and you will be back to default values.
If enabled SMTP relay use provided username and password for smtp authorization to external SMTP server.
- Port 25 - simple plain text SMTP relay
- Port 465 - SMTP relay using SSL encryption - deprecated in RFC 6409
- Port 587 - SMTP relay using SSL encryption
Any other configured port will use used as plain text SMTP relay