Logmanager documentation
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Logic comparison

Comparison block is used for comparing two values together and return boolean value representing result of required logical operation.

Block have a left comparative value followed by required operator and then second value for comparison.

Available operators:

  • EQ - equality
  • NEQ - non equality
  • LT - lesser than
  • LTE - lesser or equal than
  • GT - greater than
  • GTE - greater or equal than

Block XML representation

XML representation of logic_compare block

<xml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <block type="logic_compare">
    <field name="OP">EQ</field>
    <value name="A">
      <block type="logic_boolean">
        <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>
    <value name="B">
      <block type="logic_boolean">
        <field name="BOOL">FALSE</field>

Example of visual representation

"Compare" block

“Compare” block

Example of block usage