Substitutions are enhanced features for parsing rules and include templates of regular expressions. This feature is for use with Regex assign block. This block includes basic integrated types and additional types can be added with substitution. Arbitrary substitutions can be defined in this way, instead of repeated writing of regular expressions to blocks.
Substitution example:
- Regular expression for VLAN ID replacement,
- VLAN ID is an integer number with minimal length of 1 character and maximal length of 4 characters,
- Describing regular expression is

List of substitutions shows all records defined in the system. Table shows all available information: Name (name of the substitution), Description (description of the substitution), Basic Type (default data type) and Built in (if the substitution is integrated in the system).
If you need to add a new substitution, click on the green plus icon in the main table in the upper right corner.

Adding an substitution
Enter following data into the prepared form:
- Name: name of the parsing rule,
- Description: description of the parsing rule,
- Basic Type: data type, which the variable created from this substitution will have,
- Regex Test: regular expression.
Adding of the substitution is done by clicking on the Create button, canceling of the completed form and returning back to the main table is done by clicking on the Cancel button.
Editing of the substitution can be started by clicking on the blue pencil icon, which is shown by every row. Built-in substitutions cannot be edited nor deleted.

Editing an substitution
Form identical with the form for adding of a new substitution is now shown.
Change of the substitution is done by clicking on the save button, canceling of the completed form and return back to the main table is done by clicking on the Cancel button.
Deletion of a substitution is done by clicking on the red cross icon, which is shown by every row.

Deleting an substitution
After clicking on the cross a new dialog window delete a substitution is opened and the name of the substitution to be deleted is shown for checking. To continue and delete the substitution, click on the yes button, to cancel, click on the no button.