Beats Global Config
This subsection contains settings which affect global behavior of Beats Agents.

Beats Global Config
If your agents Event Sources config option is set to Inherited from Beats Global Config it will inherit Event Sources option from this menu.
If your agent does not have filter set explicitly, it will automatically retrieve filter settings from this menu.
Available options:
- Validate server certificate: agent will validate LM certificate.
Make sure that your machine endpoints trusts LM web certificate – otherwise Enabling this option will cause agents to drop connection with LM. This certificate can be found in System > SSL settings > SSL Certificates.
- Agent auto update: whenever there will be a new Logmanager Orchestrator version available, with this option enabled, it will be automatically distributed.
Only packages with self-update will work with this option.
- Event sources:
- All event sources: pull all Windows Events (Event Viewer > Windows Logs folder and Event Viewer > Application and Services Logs folder)
Choosing this option will make agent send every event generated on the endpoint. Consider applying a filter to limit the amount of collected events.
- System event sources: pull only System Events (Event Viewer > Windows Logs folder only)
- All event sources: pull all Windows Events (Event Viewer > Windows Logs folder and Event Viewer > Application and Services Logs folder)
- Filter – winlogbeat/filebeat: select a user-defined filter from a drop-down list. Filters are described in chapter Beats Filters. This filter will be applied to all winlogbeat/filebeat agents.
If you set both this filter and a global filter, they get both applied.
There is also a button Download Logmanager Orchestrator installation package. Click it to download the latest version of LogmanagerOrchestrator.