Logmanager documentation
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SecureAnyBox is used to protect the local accounts of the end stations of employees. Setup is done in the web administration:

  1. Log in as a user with administrator privileges:

    Logging to the administration

    Logging to the administration

  2. Select the Administration section.

  3. Select the Configuration section.

  4. Select the General tabs.

  5. In the Logging option, click edit:

    • Default Log Level: Default.
    • Core Log Level: Detailed SecureAnybox log.
    • API Log Level: Default.
    • Authentication Log Level: Default.
    • KeyShield SSO Log Level: Default.
    Log settings

    Log settings

  6. Confirm by clicking on the OK button.

  7. In the Syslog option, select: add Syslog

    • Check: Enable.
    • Server address: IP/DNS address of the Logmanager server (e.g.: lm.example.com).
    • Port: 514.
    • Syslog facility: Local.
    • Event source: Audit log.
    • Audit record format: CEF.
    Log settings

    Log settings

  8. In the Syslog option, select: add Syslog

    • Check: Enable.
    • Server address: IP/DNS address of the Logmanager server (e.g.: lm.example.com).
    • Port: 514.
    • Syslog facility: Local.
    • Event source: Diagnostic log.
    • Level: INFO.
    Log settings

    Log settings

  9. Confirm the configuration changes with the button: Apply.