Log4j is used to retrieve logs from Java applications. Logs from Log4j can be sent to the Logmanager server via Syslog protocol.
You need to find the configuration file for Log4j in the Java application. Most often is saved as
file orlog4j.properties
file. -
Edit configuration file:
rootLogger = DEBUG, udp appender.udp = org.apache.log4j.receivers.net.UDPAppender appender.udp.RemoteHost = <Logmanager_IP_address> appender.udp.port = 514 appender.udp.layout.type = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout appender.udp.layout.ConversionPattern = java %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}{GMT} %p %t %c %M - %m%n
Logmanager_IP_address is IP address your Logmanager server. -
Restart Java application to load new configuration file.
Now continue to configure classifiers and parser on the Logmanager server.
You need to find the configuration file for Log4j2 in the Java application. Most often is saved as
file orlog4j2.properties
file. -
Edit configuration file:
appender.socket.type = Socket appender.socket.name = socket appender.socket.host = <Logmanager_IP_adresa> appender.socket.port = 514 appender.socket.protocol = UDP appender.socket.layout.type = PatternLayout appender.socket.layout.pattern = ${hostName} java %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}{GMT} %p %t %c %M - %m%n rootLogger.level = debug rootLogger.appenderRef.socket.ref = socket
Logmanager_IP_address is IP address your Logmanager server. -
Restart Java application to load new configuration file.
Now continue to configure classifiers and parser on the Logmanager server.