MAC address
This section is available only in EnglishBlock is used to define MAC address (EUI-48) data type. Input value is MAC address written in 00:00:00:00:00:00 format.
Output of the block is textual representation of the MAC address, normalized value of MAC address in 000000000000 format with lowercase characters and information about prefix assigned to manufacturer.
Manufacturer database is build from all corresponding IEEE prefix registers. Such as MA-L (MAC Address Block Large), MA-M (MAC Address Block Medium), MA-S (MAC Address Block Small) and CID (Company ID).
MAC structure is internally represented as a data type emulating dict. And can be subscribed as a dictionary and contains only key ‘vendor’ with value of manufacturer name as returned by this block.
XML representation of mac block
<xml xmlns="">
<block type="mac">
<field name="MAC">00:00:00:00:00:00</field>

"key_name": "11:22:33:44:55:66",
"key_name@mac": {
"vendor": "Unknown",
"value": "112233445566"
Block is used to enter 00:00:00:00:00:11 MAC address in the example. Information about the manufacturer “Xerox” and normalized value “000000000011” are available in the output from the program.

Example of “MAC address” block

Results of “MAC address” block