IP Prefix list
This section is available only in EnglishBlock “IP Prefix list” returns special LPM (Longest Prefix Match) object which can be used only for membership testing. Because of that this block only works with operator “in”. Returned object represents prefix list defined by user in appropriate menu section. More about IP Prefix lists is in chapter: IP Prefix lists.
Can be used for testing of IP address membership.
Changed in 3.4.0 in prior versions this block returned iterable structure.
XML representation of ip_prefix_list block¶
<xml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<block type="ip_prefix_list">
<field name="IP_PREFIX_LIST">cac2ac66-84b0-4d50-918e-22a70d55ac56</field>

Block “IP Prefix list”

Example of “IP Prefix list” block
Block is used to find, if input IP address is in the “enabled_ip” IP Prefix list. If true, program forwards the message for processing to the “apache” parser.